ISSUE: Lakes Management Implementation Plan Update.
RECOMMENDATION: Management recommends the Board continue to provide input and directions on the Lake Management Implementation Plan.
BACKGROUND: In 2012, the Board initiated a restoration plan to improve the health of the Lakes. The Board approves the Lakes Management Implementation Plan annually in January. Each month the Board is updated on the progress on Lakes Management. Additionally, the Board conducts a semiāannual review in April and October in order to present the progress of implementation to the Community.
A. Works Completed to Date-
Structural Projects - Flat Run Forebay. Environmental design contractor Stantec submitted a Conceptual Design Update, Conceptual Construction Cost Opinion, Final Design/Permitting, and Construction oversight fee breakdown for Stantec services, and a Summary Conference Call for review and input on Flat Run Forebay.
14th Pond Retrofit with Forebay. A. Morton Thomas & Associates and golf course design partner Ault, Clark, & Associates completed 90% Conceptual design for the 14
th Pond Retrofit with Forebay and presented to members at the Woods Center for questions and comments. The joint permit application was submitted and approved by the US Army Corps of Engineers, and the design was also submitted to Orange County for review. Culpeper Soil and Water Conservation District submitted comments for the design engineers at A.Morton Thomas and Associates to address. The design engineers addressed the design comments and resubmitted design to Orange County for approval.
- Public Education- Lake Currents - Articles were written for the Lake Currents newsletter in subjects of roadside ditch maintenance and responsibilities, leaf removal, and water quality testing at beaches. Pamphlets on aquatic invasive species were distributed with annual boat registration. Poster sized informational signs for aquatic invasive species were posted at Member Services.
- Dredging- The dredge is presently on the Main Lake in Cove #20 (near Edgemont Circle). Lake sediment dredging was completed in Cove #2 (near Castle Hill Court), Cove #6 (near Hillside Drive), Cove #36 (near Federal Road), Cove #35 (near Mount Pleasant Drive), Cove #27 (across from Tally-Ho Lane), and Cove #5 (near Harpers Ferry Drive) on the Main Lake, since the semi-annual review last April. Approximately 1,144 cubic yards of sediment were removed from these coves.
- Roadside Ditch Reconstruction Program- LOWA Roads Crew’s work combined with work of annual contractors yield the following results:
See Section B.b for 2018 plans.
- Water Quality- LOWA staff completed all annual, quarterly, and monthly water quality testing thus far for 2018, including nutrient monitoring, physico-chemical monitoring, and bacteriological monitoring.
- Fisheries/ Habitat Management- Bluegill Sunfish, Redear Sunfish and forage minnows were stocked in the Main Lake and Keaton’s Lake. Stocking occurred in May. Additional Mossback Fish Habitat structures were added to previously deployed, GPS-coordinate recorded, locations on the Main Lake with the assistance of members of the LOW Anglers Club.
- Aquatic Plant Management- Preliminary Spring Vegetation survey work was completed April 30 – May 9 to identify any potential problem areas. No new areas of concerned growth were observed. Fall Vegetation Survey field work was completed September 19 – October 3 by the Environmental Resources Manager, with diving assistance from Security Chief Scott Walker.
B. Works in Progress-
- Structural Projects-
- Flat Run Forebay – At the October 6 meeting, the Board of Directors made a majority vote to authorize design contractor Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. to proceed with a Scope of Services for (a) Construction Phase Design and the (b) Final Construction Cost Opinion, (c) 30% Construction Phase Design Review Presentation/Information Session, (d) Joint Permit Application and (e) Construction Oversight costing $39,714. Stantec Project Manager Josh Running has stated this in-lake forebay will catch at least 303.2 tons of sediment per year for removal (meets sediment reduction goal for Flat Run Forebay in 2012 WEG Lakes Management Plan). The conceptual design utilizes a turbidity curtain at the center of the gabion wall, which can be removed when dredging and removal of sediment is due. This design allows for periodic in-house maintenance with our aquatic dredger and barge to remove trapped sediments. Stantec will finalize a proposal and submit to LOWA. Stantec will then begin construction phase design, with a goal of submitting 30% Construction Phase Design to LOWA by Thanksgiving. The 30% Construction Phase Design Review Presentation/Information Session could take place in early December. Final Construction Phase Design approval to be determined based on member input. Permitting, bidding, and construction to be determined based on member input, Army Corps of Engineers and Orange County approval process.
- 14th Pond Retrofit with Forebay – Culpeper Soil and Water Conservation District comments have been addressed by design contractor A. Morton Thomas & Associates, and the design has been re-submitted to Orange County for final approval. The Invitation for Bid will be released October 11 to prequalified contractors, as well as posted on the LOWA website, and advertised on the Free Lance Star Newspaper. Contractor interviews and selection of construction contractor to follow. Construction to follow selection of winning bid contractor. The expected construction completion is March 2019, weather dependent.
- Roadside Ditch Reconstruction- Contractor will complete scopes of work in areas of concern at 3103 Lakeview Parkway and also on Dogwood Court. Scopes of work to include regrading, replacements of culvert pipes, rebuild and raise concrete retaining box, berm construction for diversion to crossover pipe, asphalt, and a drywell. The remaining funds leftover will be used to reconstruct as many linear feet of other prioritized roadside ditches as budget allows. The Erosion & Sediment Control Inspector will release a request for proposal in October, and roadside ditch reconstruction will begin in November.
- Public Education- Environmental articles will continue to be written for the Lake Currents newspaper. LOWA will continue to promote local resources and organizations for members to utilize. GM and Security Chief finalizing flyer to be handed out to landscape contractors to help prevent landscapers from blowing leaves into the Lakes for distribution.
- Grant Funding- Additional grants will continue to be sought and applied for to aid in the funding of projects.
- Dredging- Dredging operations will continue in scheduled coves on the Main Lake through October 2019.
- Water Quality- LOWA staff will conduct annual, quarterly, and monthly water quality testing throughout 2018 and 2019.
- Fisheries/ Habitat Management- Blue Gill Sunfish, Redear Sunfish and forage minnows will be stocked in the Main Lake and Keaton’s Lake. Stocking will occur in May.
- Aquatic Plant Management- Fall vegetation survey field work was completed September 19 – October 3. Preliminary spring survey will take place in April-May (weather dependent) to identify potential problem areas.
C. State of the Lakes-
The following is a brief overview of the health of the lakes as indicated from water quality data collected from 2018.
The Main Lake and Keaton’s Lake consistently score poorer than EPA water quality standards for Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorous. This is an ongoing concern.
- Main Lake- Over the past five years, Total Nitrogen has been higher than the recommended EPA level. The Main Lake has averaged approximately 2.5 times the EPA standard. This is an ongoing concern. Over the past five years, Total Phosphorous has also been higher than the recommended EPA level. The Main Lake has averaged approximately 3 times the EPA standard. This is an ongoing concern.
- Keaton’s Lake- Over the past five years, Total Nitrogen has been higher than the recommended EPA level. Keaton’s Lake has averaged approximately 3 times the EPA standard. This is an ongoing concern. Over the past five years, Total Phosphorous has also been higher than the recommended EPA level. Keaton’s Lake has averaged approximately 3 times the EPA standard. This is an ongoing concern.
Over the past five years, Chlorophyll-a results in
both Lakes remain below state threshold levels; no reason for concern.
Further improvement of water quality results can be achieved through construction of additional sediment & nutrient removing structural projects, and public education. Public education in the areas of restricted nutrient fertilizers (use phosphorous-free), and leaves/pet waste as excessive nutrient runoff in ditches to the Lakes will continue to be emphasized.
c. Nutrient Levels: (Phosphorus, Nitrogen, & Chlorophyll-α)
ML- Average Total Nitrogen Concentrations
ML- Average Phosphorus Concentrations
KL- Average Total Nitrogen Concentrations
KL- Average Phosphorus Concentrations
ML & KL- Chlorophyll-α
Physical Properties
- pH: Within the standards for aquatic life.
- Dissolved Oxygen: DO levels fluctuate in both lakes as water temperatures change seasonally. DO is at acceptable levels in both Lakes.
- Temp: Both Lakes are within the acceptable level.
- Secchi Depth: Main Lake is well within the standard. Keaton’s Lake water clarity has continued to improve on average over the past four years.
- Conductivity: Acceptable level for both lakes. General standard for lakes is 50-1500µS/cm. (2014, Teton Science)
- Turbidity & TSS: Acceptable level for both lakes. General standard for turbidity is 10-50 NTU (2004, EPA.) Keaton’s Lake has higher levels on average than the Main Lake; this is expected given the lower Secchi Depth readings on Keaton’s Lake.
- The dark line separating 8/14/2014 and 11/4/2014, marks the completion of the 13th Fairway Stream Restoration Project. The dark line separating 12/19/2016 and 5/10/2017, marks the completion of Eastover Park Water Quality Retrofit. Total suspended sediment results, and turbidity results are both lower on average (less cloudy water, desirable), since completion of projects. Secchi Depth results have increased on average (more transparent, clearer water to greater depths, desirable) since completion of projects. In 2017, we did not need to treat Keaton’s Lake for harmful blue-green algae, after having two treated outbreaks a year from 2013-2016. In 2018, Keaton’s Lake has been treated once for blue-green algae.
Lakes Management Implementation Plan – Sediment & Nutrient Reduction Projects
- Keaton’s Lake = 38,635 feet reconstructed roadside ditches; two structural projects completed: 13th Fairway Stream Restoration, and Eastover Park Water Quality Retrofit; one structural project in design: 14th Pond Retrofit with Forebay
- Main Lake = 22,853 feet reconstructed roadside ditches; with the first structural project, Flat Run Forebay, in design and permitting.