Located at 201 Lake of the Woods Way

Reservations are no longer required.


​Hours of Operation

Open Seven Days A Week
4 AM - 10 PM

Fitness Center Class Schedule



Additional Info

LOWA members, registered tenants, and their households who have paid the annual or temporary usage fees and signed the Fitness Center Amenity Form Agreement and Waiver are eligible to use the Fitness Center.

Proximity cards (LOWA Membership ID Cards) are required by Annual Fitness Center Members.

Annual Memberships are available to purchase at the Holcomb Building Member Services desk. 

Daily Member Pass ($7) and Daily Guest Pass ($12) are available at the Fitness Center (see attendant hours).

Visit www.LOWA.org/Forms and search for "Fitness" to get the Annual Membership forms and waivers.
For a daily pass for a Member or Guest complete the form below, pre-pay and recieve a proximity card at the Fitness Center, during Attendant hours, or at the following locations during hours of operations. 

  • Community Center
  • Holcomb Building 
  • Security Building at the Front Gate

If you would like a tour through the Center, contact the Community Operations team at 540-972-9680.

Complete the form to register as a daily member or daily guest to the Fitness Center, then pre-pay by clicking the link at the end of this form.


Cardio Room, View 1

Cardio Room, View 2

Weight Room