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February Monthly Report


January 24, 2014
To: Board of Directors Thru: Phil Rodenberg, General Manager
From:  Jessie Graves, Environmental Resources Manager
Issue: Lakes Management Plan Update

RECOMMENDATION: Management recommends the Board continue to provide input and directions on the Lake Management and Implementation Plans. 

BACKGROUND: In December 2012, the BOD approved a contract with Williamsburg Environmental Group (WEG) for design services for Keatons Run Culvert Retrofit, and 13th Fairway stream restoration, pond retrofit, and stream daylighting.

A. Lake Management Implementation Plan
The updated Implementation Plan approved on January 22 by the Board will be posted on the LOWA website “Lake Management Plan” section on January 24.  

B. Structural Projects
January 22, Board awarded a contract to Williamsburg Environmental Group Inc., in the amount of $30,160 to complete the design work on Keatons Run Culvert Retrofit/Forebay.  This contract is contingent upon the Board approving the proposed Lakes Reserve fund for FY14-15. Once the proposed funds are approved, the design work will not begin until May 1.

C. Non-Structural Projects
In accordance with the FY 13 budget and the Lake Implementation Plan, the Environmental Resources Manager is working on an education project at the Community Center. The project is beneficial in not only education but also reduces the quantity and improves the quality of stormwater runoff from the Community Center and parking lot. The project will be to install a bioswale, which is an oversized rain garden with a filtration media, mulch, and native plants.  This bioswale will filter out pollutants from the building roof and parking lot as well as infiltrate thousands of gallons of runoff which will reduce flooding downstream (Always a plus here!).  The best locations are just below the parking lot where it is constantly wet year round and on the backside of the building where there is a low point.  Therefore, there would be two project locations. One thing to remember rain gardens are not mosquito breeding grounds so this project will remove a few problems for us at the Community Center. This project will also act as a demonstration area with placards to educate our members about rain gardens and why they are beneficial for residential homes, and they can be installed inexpensively when members take advantage of local programs.  FOR will complete all of the designing, obtaining materials and help with install. As of right now LOWA will help provide bodies for install and more than likely some equipment. I am going to reach out to members to see if they would like to volunteer to help with the install.  Grant money from FOR’s Rainscape Retrofit program will help reduce costs to LOWA.  LOWA will still have to expend funds, which are budgeted in the 303 FY13 budget in the amount of $4,000.  

Tentative date for installation is the first week of April.  There will be more information to come on this project in future updates to the Board.

13th Fairway RFP Schedule- LOWA will develop and issue the RFP, WEG will provide a review prior to issuing.  Stream restoration is a specialized construction therefore, the RFP will be sent directly to reputable companies. LOWA received the final documents on January 14.

Preliminary Schedule
LOWA Develop RFP: January 15 - February 10
WEG Review RFP: February 10- 17
Issue RFP: February 24

Posted: 2/20/2014 2:53:47 PM | with 0 comments

Lakes Management Plan Updates




GOLF COURSE NUTRIENT PLAN: On March 25, 2024, the Virginia Department of Conservation & Recreation approved the LOWA Golf Course Nutrient Management Plan, which is does not need renewal until March 25, 2029. The Plan is used by International Golf Maintenance (IGM) to maintain LOWA’s golf course in a manner that protects the Main Lake and Keatons Lake by ensuring the minimum movement of nitrogen and phosphorous from the specified area of application. The Plan’s focus is to keep nitrogen and phosphorus out of our Lakes, the Rapidan and Rappahannock Rivers, and ultimately the Chesapeake Bay.




Main Lake Electro Fishing Study