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Lake Of The Woods Security

Security / Front Gate: 540-972-2210

A commercial security services contractor provides security to the LOW community 24 hours a day. The company provides such services as controlling entrance access, enforcing speed limits, providing seasonal boat patrols on both lakes, investigating member complaints, and providing assistance to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office and other law enforcement agencies.

LOWA through our security contractor, Allied Universal Security Services, has several registered Special Conservators of the Peace (SCOP) officers. These officers are individuals who have been authorized by the Orange County Sheriff and appointed by a Circuit Court to perform specific duties with-in the specified LOWA geographic area as defined by the Circuit Court. SCOP officers must complete regular training and re-register annually through the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS). Their training and registration permits them to carry a firearm and their duties include enforcement of local and state laws (including traffic violations such as speeding and reckless driving).
Click here for more information about the Special Conservators of the Peace program in Virginia.

In the event of a fire, medical or security emergency CALL 911.
Members should be aware that the LOWA Security contractor’s primary responsibilities are those assigned to it by the Association as conservators of the peace, and do not include law enforcement or criminal investigations, which are the responsibility of the Orange County Sheriff’s Office. 

Monthly security reports are presented to the LOWA Board of Directors and General Manager, and forwarded to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office by the Chief of Security to share inforation and help monitor trends or changes in community activity.

Barcode Information and Policy

Application forms for barcode decals that automatically activate vehicle-control gates at the front and back entrances to LOW are available at Member Services or on our website forms page.

To ensure proper placement of the barcode on your vehicle, Member Services Staff must affix barcodes to vehicles. Activation of barcodes may take up to three business days. Members must present current membership card/tenant card or valid guest DashPass with the state vehicle registration and a completed barcode application to Member Services Staff at the Holcomb Building. The name on the membership card must match the name on the vehicle registration and barcode application. If you have more than one vehicle, barcode forms for each vehicle must be completed and submitted. The hours for barcode applications at Member Services are:

Vehicle Barcode Registration Processing Hours
 Location:  Holcomb Building
2:00pm – 4:30pm
10:00am – 12:00pm

Property owners or tenants not in good standing (those having unpaid assessment fees or fines) may have their vehicle barcodes deactivated by the Association Office until such fees or fines are discharged. However, barcodes may also be deactivated for other reasons. If you find your barcode is not working, please contact Member Services at 540-972-2237, option 0, or e-mail

When a vehicle is sold, the barcode must be removed and returned to the LOWA Office. If you cannot remove the barcode, the Association must be notified. Any barcode left on a vehicle after sale or disposal is the responsibility of the person to whom the barcode was assigned. Barcode deactivation. can be done by stopping by Member Services at the Holcomb Building, e-mailing, or calling Member Services at 540-972-2237, option 0.

Guest Entry Passes and Procedures

Members must enter guests via TEKControl or call Security to authorize entry of their guests to LOW. The General Manager must clear groups of 25 or more. Members may purchase annual guest passes at minimum cost for immediate family members, who may choose to have a barcode affixed to their vehicles to facilitate entry. The member must renew guest passes every year before May 1 or the guest barcode will be deactivated. Members may also request an extended pass for vendors who provide services on a regular basis (cleaning services, lawn care, etc.). Three-month passes are available for such vendors through Security, and members must renew such passes quarterly or notify Security when services are terminated.

Visit our Forms page to request barcodes.

Emergency Planning

Residents should be aware that major disasters affecting LOW are managed under the legal authority of Orange County and covered by Virginia statutes. However, the LOWA General Manager has the responsibility of directing the emergency plan at LOW in coordination with proper civil authorities.
The Dam Emergency Plans are available on our website.

Neighborhood Watch Program

LOWA has an active Neighborhood Watch (NW) Program consisting of volunteers who perform the duties of NW Coordinator, neighborhood Block Captains and NW Participants. The NW Coordinator reports directly to the LOWA GM and meets weekly with the GM, President of LOWA Board of Directors, Chief of LOWA Security and LOWA Director for Facilities and Maintenance to communicate resident concerns involving security and safety of the community. The NW Coordinator is also responsible for direct coordination with the Orange County Sheriff’s Office as well as membership and liaison with the Safety & Security (SSC) and Legal and Compliance (LCC) Committees. The LOWA NW Program is registered with the National Sheriff’s Association. The purpose of the LOWA NW Program is to provide additional eyes and ears within the community to REPORT suspicious activities and supplement LOWA Security, LOWA Management and local law enforcement in crime prevention! Should individuals require more information on the NW Program or wish to sign up as a participant send an email to

Allied Universal
