Project Update, August 24, 2018


DSI has completed the pool demolition and all debris has continues to be hauled off. 
The site contractor has started removing and hauling off of all the flagged trees, basketball court and started installing any necessary tree protection.
Scheduled for the week of 8/20- 8/24
Items to begin next week are the grading of the site along infill of the existing pool will begin, with Inspections being done by DEA to insure proper compaction suitable for building on. The second mobilization of the fence will be completed towards the end of the week. This consist of moving the fence out towards the LOD line at the handicap parking spaces by the club house.   
Noise, and traffic for the week will be as follows,
Sounds that will be heard will be the equipment moving, and back up alarms, chainsaws used in the removal of the trees, as trees are being pushed over there will be a large thump heard as they hit the ground. 
  Traffic will be somewhat heavy in the area of both construction entrances as demo debris will be being hauled off. Both Dump Trucks, and Logging Trucks will expected to be seen. Coordination with keeping areas open for the coming and going of the LOW residents, and staff will continue to be maintained as it has the past two weeks.